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Assessing of the association’s finances and oversight of these.
Considers complaints against members. Can recommend suspension, banning or fining of members found guilty of breaking the association’s rules. Also, oversees policing of codes.
All regulatory issues (CPA, POPI, etc.). The largest committee. Often works through specialised sub-groups (e.g. on the drafting of the POPI code).
Database (CoE/DNC)
Address all issues of relevance to database management, list broking. Centres of Excellence and relevant laws.
The committee has a mandate to insure that the IDM Industry operates with the highest ethical standards, respect for our code of conduct and is fully informed and guided in relevant legislation. We are seeking to achieve co-regulatory status with the Information Regulator of the POPI Act.
We deal with complaints from the public and companies and have generally satisfactorily resolved the issues.
We welcome your queries and input.